China Economic Net Beijing on October 27th Cheap Texans Jerseys news (reporter Li Wanxiang) the people's Procuratorate report work provisions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate recently issued the newly revised "" (hereinafter referred to as the "work report" provisions), the specific rights enjoyed by the first clear informants, including other rights to apply for withdrawal, query results, reconsideration, appeal request protection, reward and laws and regulations the provisions of the.
it is understood, "Regulations" revised report work to report clues, acceptance, management review, reply and whistleblower protection, reward meritorious persons report, report false clarification, accountability and other contents were revised greatly, the system.
According to the report "" work rules, procuratorate report center unified acceptance report and suspects to surrender.
procuratorate accepted the suspected crime corruption and bribery, national staff dereliction of duty, state organ staff using their powers to implement the illegal detention, torture to extract confessions, revenge against unlawful search of, the Cheap Seahawks Jerseys infringement of citizens' personal rights crime and infringement of citizens' democratic rights crime report. People can use letters, visits, fax, the procuratorial organs across the country unified report call "12309", the highest exposures newspaper website "" form of report.
in accordance with the "provisions" reporting work, Cheap Steelers Jerseys clues in general by the informer work unit is located under the jurisdiction of the procuratorate. Procuratorate system for filing management classification directly accepted cases clues to implement. County cadres case clues are reported to the provincial procuratorate Report Center for the record, the huge amount of suspected of a crime or crimes are especially serious consequences, and reported the highest exposures reported that the center for the record; the department or bureau level cadres at and above the cases shall be submitted to the highest exposures reported clues Center for the record.
"report work regulations" requirement, reporting center to receive the clues, clues from the date of receipt within seven days to make the following processing: under its jurisdiction, shall accept and transferred to the Institute of relevant departments; belongs to the procuratorate jurisdiction but do not belong to this hospital transferred jurisdiction, the jurisdiction of the Procuratorate handle. Does not belong to the jurisdiction of the procuratorate, transferred the jurisdiction organs, and notify the complainant, the surrender of people. Belongs to the unknown nature difficult to centralized, shall investigate and verify the necessary, identify the situation within three days after transfer for the jurisdiction of the organ or department.
procuratorate crime investigation department received the report center transferred clues, shall confirm the report centre within three months; the lower the procuratorate received superior procuratorate to the reporting materials, cases shall reply to superior procuratorate report centre within three months. Investigation department to reply documents shall include the main problem, the informants reflected the investigating process, make the conclusion of the Cheap Falcons Jerseys factual and legal basis and other content.
Cheap Chargers Jerseys according to the "report work regulations", the informants refuses to accept investigation departments not filing the case decided to procuratorate reflect, reporting center shall examine the file clues.